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What is Remote Viewing?

Although remote viewing fits into the broad classification of extrasensory perception (ESP), it has some distinguishing features that differentiate it from other uses of our psychic abilities such as spontaneous psychic impressions, out-of-body experiences, and mediumship.


Remote Viewing uses the inherent psychic skills we all have, but it is performed for a specific predefined purpose, under specific protocols, and has its own methods. It is these factors the practitioner must acquire knowledge and experience of through training and practise to be a remote viewer.


Remote Viewing Methods

There are three main methods of remote viewing;


The ‘Targ/ Schwartz’ RV method or ‘Natural’ remote viewing, is a ‘sit-down, shut up, focus your intention, and describe’ - a straight-forward approach.


It is flexible in that you can tailor it to what you feel works best for you, as long as your sessions are planned and recorded.

Remote Viewing Protocols

The conventions that remote viewing generally operate under are:


  • Tasks are planned

  • Information is recorded

  • The remote viewer is ‘blind’ to the specifics of the remote viewing target

  • Feedback is available for training and practise

Getting Started with Remote Viewing

The Coordinate or Target Reference Number

The remote viewing task is called the ‘target’, and is often identified by what is known as a ‘coordinate’ or target reference number (TRN).  The TRN is usually a random number designated by the person assigning the task. It hides the actual subject from you, but allows it to be referenced. As the viewer, you are blind to the target.


How to Remote View

Here’s some things to remember:

  • Remote viewing is possible! There is a vast store of documented evidence of successful remote viewing, even from first attempts

  • Remote viewing is a not an analytical process, you won’t work the answer out with logic

  • Your intention, attention, and expectations play a part

  • Write everything down

  • Aim to describe, not name, the target. Keep your answers to short descriptive words

  • Use all your senses

  • Sketch. Allowing yourself to freely sketch, with your intent focused on gaining information about the target, is another good method of accessing the target.

  • Even the best remote viewers have off days

  • If you want to improve: practice, practice, practice!

Getting Started

A Simple Procedure for Remote Viewing

Think of this procedure as a question and answer conversation; you ask a question and sense the answer.


Get yourself some paper and a pen, select a practice target TRN (take a look at the frontloading information, this will tell the type of target) find a quiet place to sit, and follow these steps:

1.  Relax

With your feet on the floor, take several slow, deep breaths, and bring some calming image to mind. The goal is to reach a relaxed, meditative state. 


2.  Prompt

Bring your awareness to the target by thinking of the TRN, ask your question; what can you hear? What can you see? 


3.  Listen

You’ve asked a question (in the prompt step) and you now expect an answer.


4.  Become Aware

With your awareness tuned to your body and feelings, you may become aware of a sense, maybe a feeling, a colour, or a smell - some perception.


It is important not to analyse what you've percevied, but to immediately write down what you sensed.


5.  Record

Write it down.

Keep your responses to single words or short phrases, use short basic descriptive words, (such as ‘cold’, ‘hard’, ‘flat’, ‘red’).

Don’t analyse and don’t filter.


Repeat the Steps

The first time through this procedure at step 2, prompt yourself with the target reference number, then sense and record your initial impressions.


Now repeat the steps; relax and prompt yourself again. If nothing comes to your awareness, prompt yourself with a particular sense, e.g. ‘What can I hear?’ and move through to the listen, awareness, and record steps.


Continue looping around the steps until you have run through all your senses individually, and all the questions you have about the target until you feel you have described it.


Don’t forget to make at least one sketch.




Natural Remote Viewing Coaching

Here's how it works:


By clicking the Buy Now below you're committing to yourself (and me) that you're going to do some serious remote viewing practice!


  • I’ll send you a target reference number via email

  • You do your session

  • You email me back your session in PDF format, (scan all your pages and format to a single PDF file)

  • I will review and grade your session using the Targ / SRI 8 point scale, and send back hopefully encouraging comments and helpful pointers.  I'll also provide some friendly prompting to get you to do you sessions.


We do that six times.


I will review and comment on your session. I'll be looking for: 


  1. Your session to be formatted as detailed in the Natural Remote Viewing book

  2. Content, your session describes 

  3. Use of ‘AOL’

  4. A couple of sketches

  5. A short summary


Sounds like a lot of work. It is, but if you want to improve, that's what it takes.


Cost: $20

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